Our Story
At Prairie Chic Boutique, we offer affordable and on-trend clothing for midwest women. Whether you're from a small town or big city, our main goal is to provide accessibility to the newest, hottest trends for all season.
At #shopprairiechic, we love aztec print, the color mustard, and a good pair of distressed denim! We'll also never turn down an excuse to go shopping. We're a small town girls, so we've got the small town ideal in mind - focusing on finding items that are wearable for everyone, no matter where you are.
Prairie Chic Boutique was founded by Kamaria, who is originally from a small South Dakota town. Kamaria knew that none of the local smaller towns had the newest trends, and she wanted to make that a reality. Within weeks, Prairie Chic was born!
We've got a Facebook group where we show the NEWEST arrivals and BEST promotions. You can join here >> https://www.facebook.com/groups/prairiechicboutique/
You can also find us on: Facebook, Instagram, & Pinterest.
If you have any questions or concerns, email PrairieChicBoutique@hotmail.com or view our FAQ page.